Introducing: The Ending World!
Hey, Endingers! For those of you who haven’t heard, Team Lindsey is opening up The Ending world to other authors! While Dani and Zoe’s...
The Ending Series is now in Kindle Unlimited, so what?
The Ending Series is now available on Kindle Unlimited. What does this mean? If you are a KU subscriber, you can now read the entire...
Ending Series Holiday Giveaway!
To spread a little holiday cheer, we're hosting an audiobook and ebook giveaway! You can enter to win one of 5 FREE audiobooks or one...
Surviving The Ending Handbook: Recipes: Mashed Potato Soup
Note: Becca came up with this one after we had an extreme surplus of potatoes this last September, and it became an instant farm...
Deleted Scene: Jake (Out Of The Ashes)
This is an unedited scene that was deleted from Out Of The Ashes, a result of needing to change some logistics and timing throughout the...
Surviving The Ending Handbook: Recipes: Black Bean Succotash
Note: Pantry foods are in surplus and, unless you're out in the middle of the woods, should be easily accessible. If you're really lucky...
The Ending Series: World Before
You've been patiently waiting, and it's finally here! The Ending Series: World Before will be out this summer. You can add it on...
Jake: An Alternative POV (After The Ending)
This scene corresponds with chapter 20 of After The Ending. What follows is Jake's experience leading up to the first time he met Zoe in...
Deleted Scene: The Call (After The Ending)
Deleted Scene After The Ending (original) CHAPTER 1 "The Call" Fumbling through the door, Zoe was miffed that the house was quiet....
Deleted Scene: Dani and Zoe (Out Of The Ashes)
Deleted Scene #1 Dani's POV This scene was originally in the beginning of the book, but was removed to pick up the pace during the first...