The Ending Series has a new look!
Big things are happening for The Ending Series this month. Not only do we have a new audiobook in review (The Ending Beginnings), but...
Introducing: The Ending World!
Hey, Endingers! For those of you who haven’t heard, Team Lindsey is opening up The Ending world to other authors! While Dani and Zoe’s...
#TBT: What's in a name?
We, Lindsey and Lindsey (Fairleigh and Pogue) are faced with an interesting conundrum. We're a "we," as in not simply an "I" or a "me."...
The Prostrate -Prostate Conversation
pros·trate ˈprästrāt/ adjective 1. lying stretched out on the ground with one's face downward. synonyms: prone, lying flat, lying down,...
#TBT - The beginning of Team Lindsey, our first signing, and our epic book journey together
It seems like forever ago that Team Lindsey first ventured out on their own (that would be us) to explore the new, scary world of...
The Inspiration Behind the Story, Writing After The Ending
This series of blog posts are about Team Lindsey's story and how The Ending Series came to be. Why are we spending time on this? The...
The Co-Authoring Process
Greetings, Endingers! As promised, we've been answering A LOT of reader questions as we get ready to release the fourth and final book in...